
  • Restoring the Ancient Paths

    “Behold, I am bringing them from the north country, and I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth, among them the blind and the lame, the woman with child and she who is in labor with child, together; a great company they will return here.  With weeping will they come, and by

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  • Grafted In

    It is upon the fertile soil of our obedience to His commandments that Yeshua is restoring the ancient paths of His Torah today just as He did in the days of Hezekiah and Nehemiah. We are bringing our tithes into the gate today to care for those in desperate need. “At the end of three

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  • An Important Reminder

    The Lydia Project is dedicated to ministering to the widows, the orphans, the poor, and the victims of terror in the Land of Israel.   Our hope and mission is to feel the very heartbeat of our Creator concerning some of His most prized possessions – The forgotten. From His very nature He said, “I

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  • Life in Sderot

    It’s evening. You’re taking a shower while your children play all around the house – some in their bedrooms, some in the living room. Suddenly, you are knocked to the floor. Shards of glass slice through your body and you go black as you hit the floor. You come to your sickened senses and realize

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  • Gleaning in the Fields

    Who Is That Young Damsel Gleaning In The Corners of Your Field? Dasha is a believer living in the Land of Israel.  Her Muslim family rejected and disowned her when she embraced Yeshua as her Messiah.  She speaks Hebrew and Arabic and ministers alongside Jewish Messianic Believers as an invaluable co-worker bringing the Gospel of

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